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Bourdon tube pressure gauges anti-vibration heavy duty version DS 4” (100mm)
Instruments designed for use on power units, pumps, hydro-cleaning machines, presses, engine compressors, turbines, diesel engines, chemical, petrochemical and refrigerating plants and on machines and equipment where pulsating pressures or mechanical vibrations are apparent. They can be used with gaseous or liquid media which do not corrode copper alloy and which do not have high viscosity or do not cristalize.
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Bourdon tube ”solid-front” pressure gauges NACE MR0103/MR0175 -ISO 15156-3 version turret case – DS 4.5” (125mm)
These instruments are built in conformity with the construction and safety specifications of ASME B40.1.
In case of leaks or break of the elastic element the operator is protected by a stainless steel safety cell solid front and by the blow-out back. They are usually used in the petrochemical industry. They are built to resist to the most severe conditions created by H2S, by the environment and for those fluids which have high viscosity and do not crystallize. The TIG welding between the safety cell and the process socket strengthens the instrument and assures a better tight in case of dampening fluid The advantages of filling the case of the instrument with a dampening fluid are: reduced pointer fluctuation, reduced wear of rotating parts of the movement when pulsant vibrations and pulsations occur. Moreover condensation and corrosive atmospheres which could damage the internal parts.
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Pressure gauges with electric contacts all stainless steel execution DS 4”, 6” (100-150 mm)
Alarm contacts are accessories with movable contacts in air, which open or close electric circuits depending of the position of the indicating pointer. They are used with Bourdon tube pressure gauges, bellows, diaphragm and thermometers of NUOVA FIMA production, in such way they become pressure and temperature switches: the optimal and sure solution to automatize any kind of equipment.
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Bourdon tube “solid-front” pressure gauges turret case DS 4.5” (125 mm)
These instruments are built in conformity with the construction and safety specifications of ASME B40.1.
In case of leaks or break of the elastic element the operator is protected by a stainless steel safety cell solid front and by the blow-out back. They are usually used in the chemical, petrochemical industries and in conventional power plants. The TIG welding between the safety cell and the process socket strengthens the instrument and assures a better tight in case of dampening fluid The advantages of filling the case of the instrument with a dampening fluid are: reduced pointer fluctuation, reduced wear of rotating parts of the movement when pulsant vibrations and pulsations occur. Moreover condensation and corrosive atmospheres which could damage the internal parts.
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Bourdon tube pressure gauges NACE MR0175/ISO15156-3 version DS 4”, 6” (100-150mm)
These instruments are designed for petrochemical industry. They are built to resist to the most severe conditions created by H2S and by the environment. The quality of the materials used to build the sensible element allows their use with high frequency pulsating pressures. The TIG welding between the case and the process socket, strengthens the instrument and assures a better tight in case of dampening fluid. The advantages of filling the case of the instrument with a dampening fluid are: reduced pointer fluctuation, reduced wear of rotating parts of the movement when pulsant vibrations and pulsations occur. Moreover condensation and corrosive atmospheres which could damage the internal
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Pressure gauges with electric contacts all stainless steel construction DS 6” (150mm)
These instruments are manufactured in accordance with the safety norms prescribed by UNI 8541, DIN 16006 e ANSI B40.1. They are used to control the electrical operation of compressors, pumps, presses, hydraulic and pneumatic equipments, chemical and petrochemical plant. In the event of leakage or break of sensing element, the operator is protected by a solid baffle wall placed on the instrument front and by the rear blow out wall. The contacts open or close the circuit depending on the position of the indicating pointer and they are adjustable over the whole range. For application on severe working conditions, such as rapid and frequent pressure change, vibration and pulsation, they are manufactured with the case liquid filled. The filling drastically reduce the effects of such factors as well as those caused by the corrosive atmosphere, making longer life and better performances of the pressure gauge and their electric contacts. They are also available with inductive contacts intrinsically safe.
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